We started building one and are now doing three at a time on this site under a full package of design, supply and construction using reinforced earth modular blocks walls, slopes and concrete crib gravity retaining structures with reinforced concrete contiguous piled walls up to a maximum retained height of 9m. Our direct labour gangs are fully employed building all walls and associated foundations on a tight build programme amidst challenging access conditions. Careful consideration has had to be given to the sequencing of work and the dovetailing of each bank area with adjacent earth retaining features when more than one wall is being built at the same time.
Design and installation of piling platforms, ground improvement methods and AIP Highway approval for each earth retention system was also our responsibility.
Geoforte saved the client considerable time and expense on foundations by carrying out supplementary SI in the form of vane penetration testing and selective trial pitting at wall formation level within the lower sections of the site prior to commencement of our walls and slopes. This geotechnical input determined the made ground profile and the design and extent of ground improvement necessary to cater for the high bearing pressures brought about from the new high level retaining walls.